3,2,1… Go!

3,2,1…. C’est parti !
We start the Christmas marathon!
On my “to do” list, without a specific order, there are:
- Buy Advent calendars for the kids
- Get the Christmas tree and make the crèche
- Do the wish list for Santa
- Buy gifts
- Organize the Victoire Christmas party
-Find the decoration, menus, and Yule log for Christmas Eve dinner
- Go to the children’s end-of-the-year choir
- Organize the smaller Christmas party with friends
- Celebrate the birthdays of people born in December (I know 3!)
If, like me, you are already exhausted just thinking about it, we designed for you a Victoire Advent calendar. Each day, we will post on Instagram a new present idea and the Christmas selection is available online since December 1st.
Just what you need to save a precious amount of time…
Good luck!
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