Meet Paula…

Hello Paula…
Every season, we let we give carte blanche to an artist who « dresses » our shop windows depending on their inspirations, and desires. This summer, we chose Paula Callejas and her customised colourful photographs. Interview…
Can you introduce yourself and your work?
My name is Paula Callejas, I’m a self taught artist from Ecuador. Art began as a passion for me, turned into a hobby, which then became a lifeboat and now is my full time job.
Much of my work is centered on the theme of understanding emotions, and choosing to live out lives from a perspective of love. Finding joy, peace, and beauty, regardless of life’s challenges.
What was your inspiration to paint Victoire's artworks?
After seeing Victoire's collections, the inspiration was approaching life, style and art with playful detachment. The works look conveys freedom and freshness, while celebrating the uniqueness of each individual in a blast of color and shapes.
What does it mean for you to exhibit in Victoire's new spring / summer windows in Paris, Lyon, and Saint-Tropez? 
It is a big deal for me! It really feeds my soul to know someone walking in a street in France can see what I created and enjoy it! I’m all the way on the other side of the world smiling in gratitude that my art is travelling further than me! It also shows me that art expands further than geography and language and that I can express my thoughts and ideas without words.
What’s next for you? Your future plans?
As an artist, my plan is always to continue to evolve. I will continue to explore altering fashion photography but also the expression through my abstract landscapes which are very connected to my soul and energy.


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