To be all dressed up for the Christmas Eve …

24 sur son 31…

Today, fashion is all about effortless, “less is more” and every other expression to define it that works better in English… Why not… But, please, let’s be a little crazy, it’s Christmas!!!!

Off it goes! We push greyness away, we put the uniform aside… For Christmas Eve, it’s all about sequin, Lurex, and crustacean!

There is no better moment to shine, and it’s once a year, so let’s make the best of it.

First, let’s be clear, we do not ask you to be all dressed up like a Christmas tree or to be as shiny as a streetlamp (if you catch my analogy, it means that you were born before the 1980s as I do). With sequin, we avoid doing “too much”. Like the famous French singer, Johnny Hallyday, would sing, it’ll just need a spark, nothing, to turn your look into a party and light the first.

From the pleated bag to the gold trousers (but a beautiful, brushed gold, not “bling-bling”), from the Lurex sweater to the large cuff, all you need to shine “just enough” is in the “light the fire” section.

Have a nice weekend,


PS: All our shops will be open Sunday, from 11AM to 6PM, and our Saint-Tropez will reopen on Monday, hooray!

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