(Re) confinés

(Re) confinés

It is with emotion that we closed our doors on Thursday evening. But we had to.

When I arrived at Victoire two years ago, I quickly realized the scale of the challenge that awaited me. Animated by the idea of continuing my father's adventure, while making it grow with my own vision.

In two years, I lived through Yellow Vests, strikes, lockdown.. and now another lockdown.

We often have the opportunity to discuss this with family.

Of course, in 40 years, dad also had to overcome a lot of crises, take difficult decisions, make strategic changes, close stores ... but I guarantee you that even for him, that is a lot!

So here we are closing our doors again. And we are sad.

Despite all that, the whole team remains positive. And our passion, courage and determination stays intact.

As in the spring, our e-shop will remain open. And we are at your disposal for any information request, by e-mail or phone, to post your orders every day... and deliver in person in Paris.

Buy online
, support your "local shops", continue to have fun and be supportive.

For us, it's a question of survival!

Take care of yourself, your loved ones, be careful and we say "see you very very soon".


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