To wash or not to wash…

To wash or not to wash…

That is the question.

 Well, yes, this week, I summon the courage to do it and I tackle the vivid and timeless debate: What jeans? Raw? Washed-out? With stretch fabric? Flared? With buttoned fly? Or a zipped one?

 Those in favor of raw denim, in other words the purists, will tell you that jeans must be raw, WITHOUT ANY WASHING-OUT, the canvas is made in Japan, without stretch fabric and they must have a straight cut. You know, this is the pair of jeans we struggle to put on and that you are not allowed to “put it in contact with water” (in other words, you must not wash them — yes, it is really their point of view!) It is the John Wayne style denim, the one that gives you the famous bandy legs and the manly walk of a solitary cowboy, “Long, Long Way from Home.”

The others, we are among them, think that jeans must have its own personality and more importantly adapt to ours. We prefer them with stretch fabric, more flexible and comfortable, clean and without snags, the “mustaches” (this is the name given to the washed look of the inverted pleats, Author’s Note) slightly distinct but not turning old yellowish, please!

 And, of course, we love when they go off the dusty beaten tracks of the Far West. We like them painted, we like them embroidered, « patched », when they are fun, that their look is like an adventure, which makes us dream!

 Then, to wash or not to wash?

You understood that That was not really the question…

 Have a nice weekend,



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